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Login, Profile and Password FAQs

Q. How do I create a Web Profile?

  • Click the Create Profile link on the homepage to begin. Select the Create Web Profile button then enter your member number and the phone number that matches your membership record. You will then be taken to a Web Profile form where you can set up your Login ID and Password.

    Login IDs must be a minimum of 5 characters, contain at least one letter, and have no spaces or special characters (with the exception of an underscore or a period).

    Enter a current email address and verify that it is correctly formatted. This is the address Interval will use for online transaction-related correspondence.

    You can also choose to receive special offers and email updates on this page.

    Your password must be a minimum of 8 characters and contain at least 3 of the following: upper case letter, lower case letter, number, or special character. Passwords are case sensitive and must not contain spaces.

    After completing this information, you will be asked to create three security questions. In the future, we may ask you to answer one or more of three questions to verify your identity. Please provide answers that only you will know.

    After you have saved your security questions, you will have access to and everything your membership has to offer.

Q. How do I sign in?

Q. I already have a Login ID and Password, why can’t I sign in?

Q. What should I use for my Password?

Q. How do I sign in if I have more than one Interval member number?

Q. Can I create multiple profiles?

Q. Can I edit my Web Profile?

Q. What is a Password Hint?

Q. What if I forget my Login ID or Password?

Q. How do I change my Password?

Q. How do I change my Security Questions?

Q. What is my membership number?

Q. Can I change my membership number?